Directed by Paris-based filmmaker Joaquim Bayle, PRECIOUS builds on Carhartt WIP’s last full-length skate project INSIDE OUT, which was released in 2022. This instalment explores skateboarding in the United States, situating the team riders amidst the sprawling suburbs of Los Angeles and New York’s sleepless, frenetic streets. 
Directed & Edited by Joaquim Bayle 
Cinematographer - Angelo Marques 
Camera Operator - Romain Batard - Trevor Dare - Ryan Mettz 
Written by Joaquim Bayle & Alexander Kelvy 
Produced by Joseph Biais - Etienne Chatelain - Reggie Colvin 
Production company - Pral 
Featuring : Notis Aggelis Ewing Ayala Guy Azulay Tanner Burzinski Taylor Caruso Eddie Cernicky Enzo Kurmaskie Rob Maatman Noah Mahieu Jackie Michel Jack O’Grady Josh Pall Max Palmer Riley Pavey Ebou Sanyang Cambryan Sedlick Willow Voges Fernandes Tuoyo Oroye Andrew Wilson Brett Weinstein 
Photography - Joaquim Bayle 
 Music 1.BONES, Ghostghoul - Silverado - album / DreamCard 2.BONES, Lyson - Driveway - album / SCRAPS 3.Show Me The Body - WW4 - album / TROUBLE THE WATER 4.Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm - Danube Dwellers - album / Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm 5.Deftones - Be quiet and Drive (Far Away) -album - Around the Fur

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